Red Dot Design Awards is considered one of the most popular awards in the field of European design. The design center, back in 1955, created this prize and, in addition, made the city of Essen, which is located in Germany, one of the legislators of designer fashion. It is impossible to keep silent about the fact that all the works that were marked by the Red Dot Design Awards an award put up the design museum at the exposition, which is located here and is located! A huge plus of this award is that there are three categories of nominations that make the possibility of a wide participation of competitors in the struggle to obtain the highest result. Compete in the Product Design category. Communication Design Presenting work in the field of interactive media and advertising areas such products as furniture, home devices, mechanisms, various tools, cars. And the most interesting thing is that sound design and corporate design are also related to this. The name of the category that evaluates and defines the design of the product presented for the contest, is — — Design Concept. It sounds suggestive! Since the development of design abilities does not stand still, this makes it possible to raise the status and level of newly arrived participants annually. Also, thanks to this, there is an opportunity to develop new categories, open and help to embody new areas, which increases the number of people who want to get this award. In 2009, Russia took part in the struggle for victory, among 6112 works from different countries, which was represented by a design that was created and embodied by Evgeny Bushkovsky in a spinning glass of Shtox. It is not surprising that every year the reward is becoming more popular and its weight increases. And after all of the above, it is not amazing that the graphic incarnation (1991.) awards, created such a great, outstanding and famous designer as AiHer! Peter Schmidt already finalized it, but it was already later. A symbol and stimulant that encourages designers around the world to create new concepts and design solutions worthy of the highest rating, was the “red point” — which is great to relate to the very name of the award — Red Dot Design Awards.